- 共著 佐藤 康仁(パナソニック電工解析センター(株)),松延 拓生
- 発行年月 2010.3
- 掲載誌 パナソニック電工技報 Vol.58, No.1
- 掲載頁 pp.68-73
「In-Situ Ergonomics: A Proposal of Product Operation Information Gathering Method for Ubiquitous Computing Environment」
- 共著 Atsushi Shinya, Toshiki Yamaoka, Takuo Matsunobe, Hirofumi Koh, Toshiaki Kumata,Wakayama U. ; Kazuo Shimosako, Kazuki Nakamura, Harumi Takeda, Osaka Electro-Communication U.
- 発行年月 2004.9
- 掲載誌 HFES (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society) 2004 Annual Meeting
- 掲載頁 pp. 2489-2493(5)
「A task operation prediction time computation based on GOMS-KLM improved for the cellular phone and the verification of that validity」
- 共著 Ryota Mori, Takuo Matsunobe, Toshiki Yamaoka
- 発行年月 2003.10
- 掲載誌 Journal of the Asian Design International Conference Vol.1 ISSN 1348-7817
- 掲載頁 CD-ROM(357.pdf)
「Report on Examination on the web manual using a metaphor」
- 共著 Toshiaki KUMATA, Fumihiro SHIMONO, Takuo MATSUNOBE, Toshiki YAMAOKA
- 発行年月 2003.10
- 掲載誌 Journal of the Asian Design International Conference Vol.1 ISSN 1348-7817
- 掲載頁 CD-ROM(447.pdf)
「Examining an electronic manual based on the operation procedure」
- 発行年月 2003.10
- 掲載誌 Journal of the Asian Design International Conference Vol.1 ISSN 1348-7817
- 掲載頁 CD-ROM(448.pdf)
「Relations between the visibility of a character and the eye movement in the difference of font types」
- 共著 Hidetoshi YOSHIOKA, Takuo MATSUNOBE, Toshiki YAMAOKA
- 発行年月 2003.10
- 掲載誌 Journal of the Asian Design International Conference Vol.1 ISSN 1348-7817
- 掲載頁 CD-ROM(494.pdf)
「Examine of method to extract characteristic of Factors which affect menu selection in web page」
- 共著 Daisuke HIRANO, Takuo MATSUNOBE, Toshiki YAMAOKA
- 発行年月 2003.10
- 掲載誌 Journal of the Asian Design International Conference Vol.1 ISSN 1348-7817
- 掲載頁 CD-ROM(608.pdf)
「The proposal on the practical method for clarifying user model」
- 共著 Takuo Matsunobe, Mamoru Okada, Takuma Okamoto, Toshiki Yamaoka
- 発行年月 2003.8
- 掲載誌 XVth triennial congress of the International Ergonomics Association
- 掲載頁 CD-ROM(01140.pdf)
「A new product development method based on task analysis and structured concept」
- 共著 Toshiki Yamaoka, Takuo Matsunobe
- 発行年月 2003.8
- 掲載誌 XVth triennial congress of the International Ergonomics Association
- 掲載頁 CD-ROM(00062.pdf)
「In-situ ergonomics: proposal for in-situ ergonomics evaluation method」
- 共著 Atsushi shinya, Hirofumi Koh, Toshiaki Kumata, Takuo Matsunobe, Toshiki Yamaoka, Wakayama U. ; Kazuo Shimosako, Kazuki Nakamura, Harumi Takeda, Osaka Electro-Communication U.
- 発行年月 2003.8
- 掲載誌 XVth triennial congress of the International Ergonomics Association
- 掲載頁 CD-ROM(00688.pdf)
「Effect of experience on users' assumptions about operationg procedures for electric appliances」
- 共著 Mamoru Okada, Akio Ishimoto, Takuo Matsunobe, Toshiki Yamaoka
- 発行年月 2003.8
- 掲載誌 XVth triennial congress of the International Ergonomics Association
- 掲載頁 CD-ROM(00473.pdf)
「Usability evaluation using protocol analysis and check sheet together for an application form」
- 共著 Yukitoki Tabata, Atsushi Muramatsu, Hidetoshi Yoshioka, Takuo Matsunobe, Toshiki Yamaoka
- 発行年月 2003.8
- 掲載誌 XVth triennial congress of the International Ergonomics Association
- 掲載頁 CD-ROM(01205.pdf)
「A comparison between Universal design practical guidelines and participatory design」
- 共著 Matsunobe T, Yamaoka T, Adachi K, Tanaka C
- 発行年月 2003.6
- 掲載誌 Universal Access in HCI:Inclusive Design in the Information Society Volume 4
- 掲載頁 pp.118-122&160
「Using the UD matrix to extract problems of an application form」
- 共著 Yoshioka H, Matsunobe T, Yamaoka T
- 発行年月 2003.6
- 掲載誌 Universal Access in HCI:Inclusive Design in the Information Society Volume 4
- 掲載頁 pp.173-177
「Measurement of Task Performance Times and Ease of Use: Comparison of Various Menu Structures and Depth on the Web」
- 共著 Tsunoda T, Yamaoka T, Yamashita K, Matsunobe T, Hashiya Y, Nishiyama Y, Takahasi K
- 発行年月 2001.10
- 掲載誌 HFES (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society) 2001 Annual Meeting Proceedings, vol45
- 掲載頁 pp.1225-1229
「How to construct Web contents systematically」
- 共著 山岡俊樹,角田知行,松延拓生, 他4名
- 発行年月 2001.10
- 掲載誌 HFES (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society) 2001 Annual Meeting,vol45
- 掲載頁 pp.1230-1234
「Study on menu usability and structural analysis 」
- 共著 松延拓生,佐藤陽彦
- 発行年月 2001.8
- 掲載誌 8th International conference on Human -Computer Interaction
- 掲載頁 pp.41-45
「Making products user-friendly and charming using Human Design Technology」
- 共著 山岡俊樹,松延拓生
- 発行年月 2001.8
- 掲載誌 8th International conference on Human -Computer Interaction
- 掲載頁 pp.55-59
「Effectiveness and Characteristics of 3 point task analysis as a new ergonomics and Kansei design method」
- 共著 山岡俊樹,松延拓生
- 発行年月 2001.5
- 掲載誌 2001 Spring Conference of Emotion and Human sensibility
- 掲載頁 pp15-19
「Study on the visual cognitive characteristics by the fixation point analysis using the eye mark recorder」
- 共著 山本敏史,山岡俊樹,松延拓生
- 発行年月 2001.5
- 掲載誌 2001 Spring Conference of Emotion and Human sensibility
- 掲載頁 pp20-25
「Structured website contents construction method and its evaluation」
- 共著 岡田衛,山岡俊樹,松延拓生
- 発行年月 2001.5
- 掲載誌 2001 Spring Conference of Emotion and Human sensibility
- 掲載頁 pp125-130
「Examining the way of presenting reliable information on web page」
- 共著 岡本卓馬,山岡俊樹,松延拓生
- 発行年月 2001.5
- 掲載誌 2001 Spring Conference of Emotion and Human sensibility
- 掲載頁 pp131-135
「Human Design Technology and Kansei Design Keywords」
- 共著 山岡俊樹,松延拓生,土井敦
- 発行年月 2000.6
- 掲載誌 International Sensibility Ergonomics Symposium
- 掲載頁 pp.282-289
「Examining Kansei Design Keywords in Human Design Technology(1)」
- 共著 松延拓生,土井敦,山岡俊樹,
- 発行年月 2000.6
- 掲載誌 International Sensibility Ergonomics Symposium
- 掲載頁 pp189-190
「Examining Kansei Design Keywords in Human Design Technology(2)」
- 共著 土井敦,松延拓生,山岡俊樹,
- 発行年月 2000.6
- 掲載誌 International Sensibility Ergonomics Symposium
- 掲載頁 pp191-194