My happy stay in Berlin, 2007 Staying Berlin

To memorize impressed scenes during my stay in Berlin, I will show you some pictures with comentaries in this page. Due to my lack of experience to handle graphic software, the size of pictures in this page is not uniform.

what's new

Eugene Paul Wigner Gebäude

Here is Eugene Paul Wigner gebäude (Eugene Paul Wigner building), Insititute für Physik, Technische Universität Berlin where I stayed from 29 May 2007 to 24 September 2007. The office was 5th floor. It is located between Ernst Reuter Platz station and Zoologischer Gartan station. The latter station is the main station of west side Berlin. In Emil and the detectives, a famous novel by Erich Kästner, it is the final destination of Emil where his grandmother waited for him. The university is surrounded by rich beautiful greens. In addition, there is a famous zoo where the train station was named after. The white bear "Knut" is feeded there.

There is parking spaces for bycicles in front of the entrance. You will find such facilities to park bycicles all around the city, in particular, near train stations. The blue bycicle in this picture is Maria's. She kindly lent it to me.

Checkpoint Charlie

During the cold war between USA and USSR, Berlin was one of most popular playgrounds for espionage stories (for example, "A spy who came in from the cold" by John Le Carre). Checkpoint Charlie was frequently reffered in those novels. In principle, this is for foreigners not for german people. But there were many sacrifices to escape from East to West.


This is the very first picture that I had took on 09 juni 2007 since my arrival (29.05.2007) from Japan.


Two cenotaphs for Stalinism (left) and National Socialism(right) are lacated near the University. The students with whom I have contacted told me that they were not aware of these. Probably young people are unconscious about Nazi and Cold war like those in Japan. It is quite interesting for me that the former was carved "Stalinism" not "Communism". I guess two concepts are recognized as different in Europe.

Concert Hall

As is well known, it is the Berliner Philhamonic Orchestra's Concert Hall. Mattias reserved seats for us. Thanks to Maria and Mattias, I could have an invaluable oppotunity to listen to the highest level music performance. I could not take photos inside the hall, because the officer was near to us and a very strict person. But many people took photographs though photographing was prohibited. To be franc, I was unlucky.

During the break, you can drink beer and wine inside.

Amateur Orchestra

A phd student Nils belonged to the amatuer orchestra. He invited me to the concert. Though the orchestra is amateur, they performed Brahms synphony No. 1. It was quite amazing for me. Because their performance was excellent, I could not find difference between amatuer and professional. The concert was held in the Mercedez-Bentz exhibition hall. The left-hand figure is the scene of the rehearsal.

You can also drink beers and wines inside the hall (right picture).

Jeudisches Museum Berlin

This mesium is to record and exhibit the history of persecution which Jewish people have suffered. The room to experience Auschwitz was quite unpleasant. (I entered the room without intention. ) I was confined for a minute with other people. I could not afford to take a photo inside the room. Left-hand picture is the entrance of the musium. Right picture is inside

I hope you understand my feeling after seeing unhumanistic picture (right). The object of the musium is at least partially successful.


End of August, members of Physics Institute went cycling together. In Germany, professors can afford to go recreation outside the University.


This corner shows you the foods I had had in Germany. From left to right, the pictures are blueburry, Bayern dishes, and turkish dishes, respectively. Though it is well known in Japan, fresh blueburry, in particular grown in home land, are very rare. But you can purchace them in an ordinary market in Berlin. I bought them 1 kg and put them into yougurt every morning. If I had stayed more, I would have purchased blackcurrant also.

The middle picure is a typical Bayerische dishes. I traveled from Berlin to München in 25 August 2007 by ICE. Morrish (his picture not shown here) kindly showed me around München. I had this with him in Englische Garten. To my suprise, it was not so fatty. I guess violet cabbage is not Sauerkraut.

The right picture is a turkish fast food. The shop is located just in front of the Kaiser Willhenm memorial church. I forgot the name of the food.

Foods 2

This corner introduces you the food I had had in the University. The university restraunt is at the top of the Mathematics building.

Foods 3

There is an indian restraunt along Hadenberg strasse, opposite side of the street from the office. The clerk told me that the taste was adjusted to German taste, that is, not too hot. It quite fitted to my taste. The name of the restraunt is "Rahda". I can recommend to you. Rahda is not recorded in guidebooks. Cafe Hadenberg which is recommended in guidebooks is located next to Rahda.

One can freely select curray sauces from three or four choices. Dessert was included.

Last dinner

I had the final dinner in spanish restrant "Por qué???".

From left to right, cold tomate soup, salad, fish, and dessert. The restrant is located in Knesebeck strasse 56. Below is the picture of the restrant.

Appendix: Travel in München

During stay in Berlin, I had traveled to München from 25.08.2007 to 26.08.2009. Left picture is the Rathaus as soon as I arrived at München. The center picture is the Intercity Express I had took on return. The third picture from left displays scribbles inside the church tower next to Rathaus by a japanese girl. The fourth picture is the rathaus under construction. I could not see famous Glockenspiel.

Appendix: Crow (not raven, I guess) in Berlin

I frequently encountered crows. But they looked different from those in Japan.
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I would like to thank Wakayama University for supporting me to stay Berlin from 29 May 2007 to 24 Septembre 2007. Prof. Dr. Christian Thomsen of Institute für Festkörper Physik, Technische Universität Berlin is greatly appreciated for accepting me as a visiting researcher in his Institute. Thanks also go to all of his group member, in particular, Dr. Axel Hoffmann, Dr. Maria Machon, Hagen Telg, Marcel Mohr, Mattias Müler, Dirk Heinrich, Nils Rosenkrantz, Michael Mayr and others.

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