Page 2, Stay in Berlin, 2007 Page 2

Commuting route

I had commuted TU Berlin mostly using tubes during my stay and by bicycle from Maria last three weeks. I took pictures of each station from guest house to TU. Final three weeks, I rode the bicycle which Maria lend me. Below are pictures from guest house to TU at every U-bahn station.

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Going from guest house to U9 Friedlich Wilhem Platz along Wiesbadener strasse.
U9Friedlich Wilhelm Platz station
Station near Volkspark.
From here to Bundezaller
and going north.
Volkspark in the morning.
Berliner strasse. The owner of vegetable
shop spoke to me in German.
I was slightly upset.
Spiechernstr station<
Güntzelstr station Kurfürstemdamm.
This was probably the richest shopping town before
Hitler took German political power.
Looks like Champs-Élysées in Paris.
Almost arrived.
From Kurdam to Zoo. From Bundezalle turning to Hardenberg strasse.
Just arrived. MENSA, student hall.
I could withdraw cash from my account in Japan.


The travel guide "Marco Polo English edition" selects 15 must-visit places in Berlin. Just before my return, I hasted to go around Berlin according to
this guide. (Because I did not bring any guide book from Japan, I bought Marco Polo English ed. at a local book store, Lehmann.)
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The cemetary for Soviet soldirs in East Berlin.
There is the big statue. The man in front of the statue
is me. Travelers from US (father and his son) took this
for me. Of course, I did the same thing for them. I guess that this
place had been built for the families of killed Soviet soldiers in WW2 and for
German people not to forget about their contribution of ending the war.
I was very sorry backlighted.
The imperial villa in Potsdam, Schlos Sanssouci.
No extra transportation fee is needed because Potsdam is
located next to Berlin. It was funny for me that a japanese
female ignored me.
The same as above, Schlos Sanssouci.
The meaning of the name is " no care needed".
It was very hard to take pictures because it was too large.
Postdam belonged to East Germany before re-unification.
This is also the imperial villa in summer,Schlos Charlotenburg.
It is inside of Berlin. I reached from Strasse Des juni 18, Ernst-Reuter-Platz
named after first mayer after WW2, going west along Bismark strasse,
and making turn to south by walk.
The diet Building. The great sight-seeing place but guarded severely.
The front is classical in appearance. But due to war damage, the other part is rebuilt in very
modern architects.
Kaiser Willhelm Memorial church in night. On my way back from office
I had always spent some time here.
here is at least one group which plays street performances.
The guy dyed yellow is the leader.
It is known as the department store of department stores,
KaDeWe, Kaufhaus des Westens. Every department
stores all over the world imitates KaDeWe. Too luxury
in appearace, it is hard to enter for poor Japanese myself.

Obtaining Phd

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Whole Europe, needless to say Germany, a PhD
studen in classical and funny costume,and collegues (sometimes
with his/her family members) go marching around the
university after he/she obtains PhD. It is pretty honour for
the PhD student. In the evening, the family of the student
hosts the party for celebration and treats supervising professor and collegues.
These two pictures were taken at different occations.

On recycle

Germany is known as advanced grapping with environmental issues and regarded as the top runner. As one aspect I had found, these two pictures are displayed. On the left, recycle boxes which are distinguishable by color. You have to put green bottles into a green box. This picture was taken near IBZ along Wiesbadener strasse.

Right picture shows a PET bottle of Vittel mineral water. It cost 99 cent. Just look at the label. The word "Pfandflasche" is written on the label. Whenever you buy a PET bottle, you have pay the tax. When you return PET bottles (into special machines in a relatively big supermarket), the tax is paid back to you. What a wonderful system! We should introduce the similar system to this immedately.


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This picture shows a street side of Kaiser Willhem
memorial church just in front of DB Berlin Zoologischer
garten. We notice the back side of Maria from the street.
During the world war II, big cities such as Berlin, Dresden,
Hamburg, München, and others had been attacked by UK
Air force as retaliation.
The secenery is that the construction of Dresden
when I visited in 1998. Dresden,as well as Berlin, Hamburg,
München and other big cities, had suffered big damages
by the air attack just before the end of WW2. After WW2, Dresden
had belonged to East Germany. The authority of East Germay
stressed that the damage should be remained to prove the war
crime by west side. But in reality, East Germany could not afford
to fix the city. Therefore Dresden left damaged for 50 years. After
the reunification of Germany the reconstruction of Dresden started.


  1. Joachim Chwaszcza, Berlin , Marco Polo (I purchaced this guidebook at Lehmann,near Ernst Reuter Platz)
  2. Andrea Schteingard , Schauplaetze Berliner Geschichte (in Japanese translation) (After back Japan, I purchased this book to memorize Berlin. I should have brought this book to Berlin with me.)