機関紀要(実質査読なし)・プリプリント等 / Proceeings (No/Light review)/ Preprint

  1. 入野俊夫,"私のすすめるこの1冊:「相対性理論」アインシュタイン著、 内山龍雄訳・解説、岩波文庫," 日本音響学会誌, 57巻8号, p. 565-566, Aug. 2001. [[[JASJ01bookRev_I.pdf]]]
  2. 入野俊夫,"音声研究から音聲研究へ," in "ちょっとしたエッセイ" 日本音響学会誌, 62巻11号 p.834, 2006. [ PDF ]
  3. 入野俊夫,"劣化合成音声を用いた模擬難聴の基礎検討," Telecom Frontier ( テレコム先端技術研究センター刊), 60, pp. 4-13, Aug., 2008. [ PDF ]
  4. 入野俊夫,河原英紀,Roy, D. Patterson, "聴覚におけるスケール分析のための末梢系 フィルタバンクのウェーブレット性と非線形性," 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録1928,ISSN1880-2818, pp.27--62, 2014年12月 (招待講演[30]後の講究録. 査読無. 講演: 2013 RIMS 共同研究「ウェーブレット解析とサンプリング理論」 研究代表者:芦野隆一(大阪教育大学), 京都大学数理解析研究所, 京都, 2013年10月24日〜25日.) *
  5. 畑山春菜, 長谷川純, 吐師道子, 松井淑恵, 入野俊夫, "高齢難聴者の文聴取における文節休止の効果 - 模擬難聴システムを用いたシミュレーションによる検討 -," 「人間と科学」, 県立広島大学保健福祉学部誌, 18 (1), 19 - 26, 2018. *
  6. 花田里欧子, 入野俊夫, 古山宣洋, 井上雅史, 門田圭祐, "臨床心理面接における「傾聴」の再考に向けた時系列連続評価アプローチの提案," 東京女子大学 心理臨床センター紀要,9号, pp41--62, 2019年3月 *
  7. Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Toshio Irino, Shoko Araki, Keisuke Kinoshita, Tomohiro Nakatani,"GEDI: Gammachirp envelope distortion index for predicting intelligibility of enhanced speech," arXiv preprint, [arXiv:1904.02096 ], 3 Apr. 2019 * --> accepted: Speech Communication 2020 see here.
  8. Ayako Yamamoto, Toshio Irino, Kenichi Arai, Shoko Araki, Atsunori Ogawa, Keisuke Kinoshita, Tomohiro Nakatani, "Comparison of remote experiments using crowdsourcing and laboratory experiments on speech intelligibility,",arXiv preprint, [arXiv:2104.10001 ], 17 Apr. 2021 * --> accepted: Interspeech 2021 see here.
  9. Ayako Yamamoto, Toshio Irino, Shoko Araki, Kenichi Arai, Atsunori Ogawa, Keisuke Kinoshita, Tomohiro Nakatani, "Subjective intelligibility of speech sounds enhanced by ideal ratio mask via crowdsourced remote experiments with effective data screening," arXiv preprint, [arXiv:2203.16760], 31 Mar. 2022 *
  10. Toshio Irino, Honoka Tamaru, and Ayako Yamamoto, "Speech intelligibility of simulated hearing loss sounds and its prediction using the Gammachirp Envelope Similarity Index (GESI) ," arXiv preprint, [arXiv:2206.06573] , 14 Jun 2022 ---> accepted: Interspeech 2022 *
  11. Hideki Kawahara, Toshie Matsui, Kohei Yatabe, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Minoru Tsuzaki, Masanori Morise, Toshio Irino, "Implementation of interactive tools for investigating fundamental frequency response of voiced sounds to auditory stimulation, " [arXiv:2109.11594] , 23 Sep 2021.
  12. Toshio Irino, "WHIS: Hearing impairment simulator based on the gammachirp auditory filterbank ," arXiv preprint, [arXiv:2206.06604] , 14 Jun 2022 *
  13. Ayako Yamamoto, Toshio Irino, Shoko Araki, Kenichi Arai, Atsunori Ogawa, Keisuke Kinoshita, and Tomohiro Nakatani "Effective data screening technique for crowdsourced speech intelligibility experiments: Evaluation with IRM-based speech enhancement," arXiv preprint, [arXiv:/2203.16760] 20 Aug 2022 --> accepted : APSIPA ASC 2022. see here. *
  14. Toshio Irino, "Hearing impairment simulator based on auditory excitation pattern playback:WHIS," TechRxiv preprint, [DOI: 10.36227/techrxiv.22639831.v2] , 19 Apr. 2023 (v1), 10 Jul. 2023 (v2) --> accepted : IEEE access, [DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3298673] *
  15. Toshio Irino and Shintaro Doan, "Auditory Representation Effective for Estimating Vocal Tract Information," arXiv preprint, [arXiv:/2306.01522] 2 Jun 2023. ---> Accepted APSIPA ASC 2023. *
  16. Ayako Yamamoto, Toshio Irino, Fuki Miyazaki, and Honoka Tamaru, "GESI: Gammachirp Envelope Similarity Index for Predicting Intelligibility of Simulated Hearing Loss Sounds," arXiv preprint, [arXiv: 2310.15399] 25 Oct 2023. [v1] [v2] [v3]
  17. Toshio Irino, Yukiho Hanatani,Kazuma Kishida, Shuri Naito, and Hideki Kawahara, "Effects of age and hearing loss on speech emotion discrimination," PsyArXiv preprint, [PsyArXiv: DOI10.31234/osf.io/cnq5w] 21 Apr 2024. [v1]
  18. Toshio Irino, Shintaro Doan, and Minami Ishikawa, "Signal processing algorithm effective for sound quality of hearing loss simulators," arXiv preprint, [arXiv: DOI 10.48550/arXiv.2406.05286] 7 Jun 2024. [v1]

Last modified: 2024/06/23 07:39, by IRINO T.