Journal Paper
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- Yasutaka Shimizu and Toshio Irino,"Stoneley waves propagating along an
interface between ZnO and glass,"
IEICE Trans. Electoronics,J65-C,11,pp.883-890,1982 (in Japanese).
- Yasutaka Shimizu and Toshio Irino, "Stoneley waves propagating along an
interface between piezoelectric material and glass", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,
Vol.22 Supplement 22-3, pp.145-147, 1983.
- Yasutaka Shimizu and Toshio Irino,"Theory on Stoneley waves
propagating along an interface between ZnO and glass," IEICE
Trans. Electoronics,J67-C,11,pp.727-732,1984. (in Japanese).
- Toshio Irino and Yasutaka Shimizu,"Stoneley waves propagating along an
interface between two identical piezoelectric matericals,,"
IEICE Trans. Electoronics, J69-A, 9, pp.1144-1153,
1986. (in Japanese).
- Toshio Irino and Yasutaka Shimizu, "Acoustic boundary waves propagating
along a thin layer between two bonded substrates", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,
Vol.25, Supplement 25-1, pp.130-132(1986)
- Toshio Irino, Yoshimasa Shirosaki, and Yaustaka Shimizu,
"Acoustic boundary waves propagating along a ZnO layer between two
materials", IEICE Trans. Electoronics, J70-C, 1, pp.59-68, 1987. (in
- Toshio Irino, Takaya Watanabe, and Yasutaka Shimizu,
"Zero slope temperature
SiO2/LiTaO3 substrate for Stonley wave," IEICE
Trans. Electoronics, J70-C,7,pp.1070-1075, 1987.
(in Japanese)
- Toshio Irino, Takaya Watanabe and Yasutaka Shimizu,"Zero slope temperature
SiC/SiO2/LiTaO3 substrate for boundary acoustic waves," Jpn
J. Appl. Phys, Supplement 27-1, pp. 154-156, 1988.
[doi: 10.7567/JJAPS.27S1.154]
- Toshio Irino, Yoshimasa Shirosaki and Yasutaka Shimizu,
"Propagation of boundary
acoustic waves along a ZnO layer between two materials", IEEE Trans.,
Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (UFFC), 35 (6),
pp.701 - 707, Nov. 1988.
- Toshio Irino and Yasutaka Shimizu,
"Optimized Stoneley wave device by proper
choice of glass overcoat", IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and
Frequency Control (UFFC), 36 (2), pp.159 -167, March 1989.
- Toshio Irino, and Hideki Kawahara, "A method for designing neural
networks using non-linear multivariate analysis, " IEICE Trans.
Information and Systems, J72-D-II, 8, pp.1187-1193, 1989.
(in Japanese)
- Toshio Irino, and Hideki Kawahara, "A method for designing neural
networks using nonlinear multivariate analysis: application to
speaker-independent vowel recognition," Neural Computation, 2 (3),
386-397, Fall, 1990. (Letter)
- Toshio Irino and Hideki Kawahara,
"Signal reconstruction from modified auditory wavelet transform,"
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 41 (12), pp.3549-3554, Dec. 1993.
- Toshio Irino and Roy D. Patterson,
"Temporal asymmetry in the auditory system,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 99 (4), pp.2316-2331, April 1996.
- Toshio Irino and Roy D. Patterson
"A time-domain, level-dependent auditory filter: the gammachirp,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 101 (1), pp.412-419, January 1997.
- Roy D. Patterson and Toshio Irino,
"Modeling temporal asymmetry in the auditory system,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. ,
104 (5), pp.2967-2979, November 1998.
- Toshio Irino and Masashi Unoki,
"An analysis/synthesis auditory filterbank
based on an IIR implementation of the gammachirp,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Japan (E),
20 (6), pp. 397-406, Nov. 1999. - Awarded 40th Sato Paper Award of ASJ -
[ PDF ]
- Y. Atake, T. Irino, H. Kawahara, Jinlin Lu, T. Nakakamura, and
K. Shikano
"Robust estimation of fundamental frequency using instantaneous
frequencies of harmonic components," IEICE Trans.
Information and systems, J83-D-II, 11, pp.2077-2086, 2000
(in Japanese).
- Toshio Irino and Roy D. Patterson,
"A compressive gammachirp auditory
filter for both physiological and psychophysical data,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 109 (5), pp.2008-2022, May 2001.
- Masashi Unoki, Toshio Irino, and Roy D. Patterson,
"Improvement of an IIR asymmetric compensation gammachirp filter,"
Acost. Sci. & Tech. (ed. by the Acoustical Society of Japan),
22 (6), pp. 426-430, Nov. 2001.
[doi:10.1250/ast.22.426 ]
- Toshio Irino and Roy D. Patterson,
"Segregating information about the size and shape of the vocal
tract using a time-domain auditory model: The Stabilised Wavelet
Mellin Transform," Speech Communication, 36 (3-4),pp.181-203,
March 2002.
[doi: 10.1016/S0167-6393(00)00085-6] .
- Roy D. Patterson, Masashi Unoki, and Toshio Irino
"Extending the domain of center frequencies for the compressive
gammachirp auditory filter,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 114 (3), pp.1529-1542, Sept 2003.
[ doi:10.1121/1.1600720]
. *
- Tomohiro Nakatani and Toshio Irino,"Robust and accurate
fundamental frequency estimation based on dominant harmonic
components," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 116(6), pp.3690-3700, Dec., 2004.
. *
- David R. Smith, Roy D. Patterson, Richard Turner, Hideki
Kawahara, and Toshio Irino,"The processing and perception of size
information in speech sounds," J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
117(1), pp. 305-318, Jan., 2005.
. *
- Masanori Morise, Toshio Irino, Hideki Banno, and Hideki Kawahara,
"Warped-TSP: An acoustic measurement signal robust against
background noise and harmonics distortion," IEICE
Trans. Fundamentals on Electornics, Communications and Computer
Sciences, A, Vol.J89-A, No.1, pp.7-14, Jan. 2006. (in Japanese)
Translated Paper:
Masanori Morise, Toshio Irino, Hideki Banno, Hideki Kawahara,
“Warped-TSP: An acoustic measurement signal robust to background
noise and harmonic distortion,”
Electronics and communications in japan part III
-fundamental electronic science,90(4), pp.18-26, 2007.
[doi: 10.1002/ecjc.20260]
- Masashi Unoki, Toshio Irino, Brian Glasberg, Brian C. J. Moore,
and Roy D. Patterson, "Comparison of the roex and gammachirp filters
as representations of the auditory filter, " J. Acout. Soc. Am. ,
120(3), pp.1474-1492, Sept., 2006.
- Toshio Irino, Roy D. Patterson, and Hideki Kawahara "Speech
segregation using an auditory vocoder with event-synchronous
enhancements," IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, and Language Process.,
14(6), pp.2212-2221, Nov. 2006.
[doi:10.1109/TASL.2006.872611 ]
Demonstration page for the segregated sounds ]
- Toshio Irino and Roy D. Patterson, "A dynamic compressive
gammachirp auditory filterbank" IEEE
Trans. Audio, Speech, and Language Process.,
14(6), pp.2222-2232, Nov. 2006.
[doi:10.1109/TASL.2006.874669 ]
[gammachirp software is downloadble from GitHub]
- Hideki Banno, Hiroaki Hata, Masanori Morise, Toru Takahashi,
Toshio Irino, and Hideki Kawahara,"Implementation of realtime STRAIGHT
speech manipulation system: Report on its first implementation,"
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (ed. by the Acoustical Society of Japan),
28 (3), pp. 140-146, May, 2007.
- Masanori Morise, Toshio Irino, and Hideki Kawahara,
"Error evaluation of impulse response estimation by cross spectral
method using speech signal," IEICE
Trans. Fundamentals on Electornics, Communications and Computer
Sciences, A, Vol.J 90-A, No. 7, pp.559-566, 2007. (in Japanese)
- Masanori Morise, Kayoko Tahara, Toru Takahashi, Toshio Irino, and
Hideki Kawahara, "Timbre control of singing voice based on
statistical analysis of singing vowel spectra and its evaluation,"
Letter of Frum on Information Technology (FIT), (FIT2007, pp.119-122,
held in Chuko University, Aichi, 5-7 Sept. 2007. (Letter in
- Chihiro Takeshima, Minoru Tsuzaki, and Toshio Irino,
"Detection of temporal modulation of size in vowel sequences,"
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (ed. by the Acoustical Society of Japan),
28 (5), pp. 349-351, Sep., 2007. (Letter)
[doi:10.1250/ast.28.349 ]
- Masanori Morise, Toru Takahashi, Hideki Kawahara, and Toshio Irino,
"Power spectrum estimation method for periodic signals virtually
irrespective of time window positioning," IEICE Trans. Information
and Systems, D, Vol.J 90-D, No. 12, pp.3265-3267, 2007. (in
- Tomohiro Nakatani, Shigeaki Amano, Toshio Irino, Kentaro Ishizuka,
and Tadahisa Kondo,"A method for fundamental frequency estimation and
voicing decision: application to infant utterances recorded in real
acoustical environments," Speech Communication,
Vol 50, pp 203-214, Mar. 2008.
[doi:10.1016/j.specom.2007.09.003 ]
- Minoru Tsuzaki, Chihiro Takeshima, and Toshio Irino, "Perception
of size modulated vowel sequence: Can we normalize the size of
continuously changing vocal tract?,"
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (ed. by the Acoustical Society of Japan),
30 (2), pp. 83-88, Mar., 2009.
[doi:10.1250/ast.30.83 ]
- Masanori Morise, Toru Takahashi, Hideki Kawahara, and Toshio Irino,
"Speech analysis using temporally stable power spectrum estimation
method for periodic signals," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, A, Vol.J92-A,
No. 3, pp.163-171, Mar., 2009. (in Japanese)
- Chihiro Takeshima, Minoru Tsuzaki, and Toshio Irino,
"Perception of vowel sequence with varying speaker size,"
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (ed. by the Acoustical Society of Japan),
Vol. 31, No. 2, pp.156-164, Mar., 2010.
[doi:10.1250/ast.31.156 ]
- Erika Okamoto, Toshio Irino, Ryuichi Nishimura and Hideki Kawahara,
"Evaluation of voice morphing using vocal tract length normalization
based on auditory filterbank,"J. Signal Processing,Vol.15, No. 4, pp.283-286, July, 2011.(Selected Paper = Letter).
- Hayato Akagiri, Masanori Morise, Toshio Irino, and Hideki Kawahara,
"Evaluation and optimization of F0-adptive spectral envelope extracation
based on spectral smoothing with peak emphasis,"
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, A, Vol.94-A, No.8, pp.557-567, 2011.
(in Japanese)
- Toshio Irino, Yoshie Aoki, Hideki Kawahara, and Roy D. Patterson,
"Comparison of performance with voiced and whispered speech
in word recognition and mean-formant-frequency discrimination,"
Speech Commun., 54 (9), pp.998-1013, 2012.
(Accepted 6 Apr. 2012, Available online 16 April 2012).
- Toshio Irino, Tomofumi Fukawatase, Makoto Sakaguchi,
Ryuichi Nisimura, Hideki Kawahara, and Roy D. Patterson,
"Accurate estimation of compression in simultaneous masking
enables the simulation of hearing impairment for normal hearing
listeners," Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology,
787, pp 73-80, 2013.
- Taiki Nishi, Ryuichi Nisimura, Toshio Irino, and Hideki Kawahara,
"Controlling linguistic information and filtered sound identity
for a new cross-synthesis vocode."
Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (ed. by the Acoustical Society of Japan),
Vol. 34, No. 4, pp.287-288, Jul., 2013, (Letter).
[doi:10.1250/ast.34.287 ]
- Takashi Morimoto, Toshio Irino, Ryuichi Nisimura, Hideki Kawahara,
"Effect of continuity and phonetic information
on word perception evaluated by using degraded sounds,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol.70, No.11, pp.578-588, 2014 (in Japanese).
- Shohei Mizobuchi, Ryuichi Nisimura, Toshie Matsui, Toshio Irino,
and Hideki Kawahara, "Singing Voice Conversion to Growl-Like
Singing Based on Vocal Tract Shape and Glottal Source
Characteristics," IEICE, Tras. D, Vol.J99-D, No.3,
pp.283-292,Mar. 2016.(in Japanese). *
- Toshio Irino, Kenji Yokota, Toshie Matsui, Roy D. Patterson,
"Auditory filter derivation at low levels where masked threshold interacts with absolute threshold,"
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Volume 104, Number 5, pp. 887-890, September/October 2018.
( Proc.
International Symopium on Hearing (ISH2018), Snekkersten, Denmark, 10-15, June 2018.) (Open Access)
- Nicolas Grimault, Toshio Irino, Samar Dimachki, Alexandra Corneyllie,
Roy D. Patterson, Samuel Garcia,
"A real time hearing loss simulator,"
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Volume 104, Number 5, pp. 904-908, September/October 2018.
( Proc.
International Symopium on Hearing (ISH2018), Snekkersten, Denmark, 10-15, June 2018.) (Open Access)
- Takashi Morimoto, Toshio Irino, Kouta Harada, Takeshi Nakaichi, Yasuhide Okamoto, Ayako Kanno, Sho Kanzaki, and Kaoru Ogawa,
"Two-point method for measuring the temporal modulation transfer function," Ear and Hearing,40(1),pp.55--62,Jan 2019 (on web 16 Apr 2018).
- Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Toshio Irino, Toshie Matsui, Shoko Araki, Keisuke Kinoshita, Tomohiro Nakatani, "Speech intelligibility prediction with the dynamic compressive gammachirp filterbank and modulation power spectrum,"
Acoust. Sci. & Tech., Vol.40, No.2, pp.84-92, 2019. *
[DOI:10.1250/ast.40.84] (Open Access)
- Takashi Morimoto, Yoh-ichi Fujisaka, Yasuhide Okamoto, Toshio Irino, "Rising-frequency chirp stimulus to effectively enhance wave-I
amplitude of auditory brainstem response," Hear. Res., Vol. 377, pp. 104-108, June 2019.
(Short communication) [DOI:10.1016/j.heares.2019.03.016]
- Toshio Irino, and Roy D. Patterson,
"The gammachirp auditory filter and its application to speech perception," Acoust, Sci. & Tech.,Vol. 41(1), pp.99-107, Jan. 2020 (Invited Review, with peer review).
- Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Toshio Irino, Shoko Araki, Keisuke Kinoshita, Tomohiro Nakatani, "Speech intelligibility prediction using a multi-resolution gammachirp envelope distortion index with common parameters for different noise conditions," Acoust. Sci. & Tech., Vol. 41 (1), pp. 396--399,Jan 2020 (letter).
- Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Toshio Irino, Shoko Araki, Keisuke Kinoshita, Tomohiro Nakatani, "GEDI: Gammachirp envelope distortion index for predicting intelligibility of enhanced speech," Speech Commun., 123, pp.43–58, 2020.
- Masashi Inoue, Toshio Irino, Nobuhiro Furuyama, and Ryoko Hanada,
"Observational and accelerometer analysis of head movement patterns in psychotherapeutic dialogue," Sensors, 21(9),article number 3162,2021.
- Toshie Matsui, Toshio Irino, Ryo Uemura, Kodai Yamamoto, Hideki Kawahara, Roy D. Patterson,
"Modelling speaker-size discrimination with voiced and unvoiced speech sounds based on the effect of spectral lift," Speech Commun.,136 pp.23-41, 2022.
- Toshio Irino,
"Hearing impairment simulator based on auditory excitation pattern playback: WHIS," IEEE access, Vol.11, pp.78419--78430, 25 July 2023 [DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3298673] *
- Toshio Irino, Kenji Yokota, Roy D. Patterson,
"Improving Auditory Filter Estimation by Incorporating Absolute Threshold and a Level-dependent Internal Noise," Trends in Hearing, Vol.27, pp.1-13 ,accepted 7 Oct. 2023, published 31 Oct 2023 [DOI: 10.1177/23312165231209750] (Open Access) *
- Toshio Irino,Yukiho Hanatani, Kazuma Kishida, Shuri Naito, Hideki Kawahara,
"Effects of age and hearing loss on speech emotion discrimination," Scientific Reports, Vol.14, Article Number 18328 (2024), published 7 Aug 2024,
[DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-69216-7] (Open Access) *
, by IRINO T.