Astronomy Education Meeting in Kagoshima

We would like to thank all of the participants for their discussion and communication.


We would like to share various astronomy education activities in a casual meeting just after the CAP2018, at Kagoshima, another lovely city in south part of Kyushu Island with late March beautiful landscape. We hope that in this meeting we will discuss the life long learning to link with the CAP community. We also hope that this meeting can be a great chance for local school teachers to communicate with international educators, Universe Awareness, and many other exciting activities.


Friday, 30 March, 2018


Kagoshima University, Korimoto Campus: Campus map (see No.4 Faculty of Science) / Simple Route Map

The Main Conference Room (photos by Toshihiro Handa)
on the 2nd floor of the 1st Faculty of Science Building

  Google Maps  

See also: GTTP2018 in Kagoshima

On 21-22 March 2018 at Kagoshima University organized by Dr. Toshihiro Handa et al.

Where is Kagoshima?

Map_Japan Map_Kyushu


Any people can come without registration, but we would appreciate it if you will return information below to Tomita. It helps the preparation of materials and dinner (important!).

Participation Fee: free
Dinner: aruond 5000 yen + drink fee

Program and Materials
  NEW (April 25)  

10:58-11:00 Welcome remarks Jun-ichi Kurawaki (Dean of Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University)

Chair: Akihiko Tomita
11:00-11:15    Talk #1: Commission C1: overview
(Commission C1 web site)
Beatriz García
11:15-11:35 Talk #2: Connections of IAU OAO with Commission C1
(OAO web site)
Sze-leung Cheung

Lunch break (and communication session)

Chair: Pedro Russo
12:40-13:10 Talk #3: Quality Lighting Teaching Kit / (web site)
Teen Astronomy Cafés / (web site)
Connie Walker
13:10-13:30 Talk #4: History for teaching Astronomy: from Japan 1874 to México 2018 Durruty Jesús de Alba Martínez
13:30-14:00 Talk #5: 1 au: a step toward the universe - ideas from JAHOU Toshihiro Handa

Tea break

Chair: Thilina Heenatigala
14:10-14:25 Talk #6: UNAWE: overview
(UNAWE web site)
Pedro Russo
14:25-14:45 Talk #7: UNAWE: Universe in the Classroom
(Universe in the Classroom web site)
Sarah Roberts
14:45-15:00 Unconference: discussion about astronomy education curriculum reseach, astronomy education meeting...

Tea break

Chair: Toshihiro Handa
15:10-15:50 Workshop #1: Simple spectroscope using familiar materials and Spectrum observation in secondary school earth science class / (Description in poster / Materials for students in Japanese) Junko Inoue
Workshop #2: Picture book, telescope, games and other works by high school students inspired from "Sidereus Nuncius" by Galileo Galilei / (photos at workshop) Hiroshi Kishimoto
15:50-16:10 Talk #8: Using Astronomy for Student Open-Ended Inquiry Robert Hollow
16:10-16:30 Talk #9: A review of astronomy in the school curriculum of OECD Countries Michael Fitzgerald

Tea break

Chair: Akihiko Tomita
16:40-16:50 Talk #10: NASE: overview
(NASE web site)
Beatriz García
16:50-17:40 Workshop #3: Astronomy beyond the visible Beatriz García and collaborators
Workshop #4: Stars simulators Beatriz García and collaborators
"Courses in co-operation" report in NASE web site

18:30- Dinner


If you have posters or samples, please bring them!
Posters can be stuck on the window frame, or spread on the desk and people encircle it and see, or put up on the corridor wall.

1    Globe at Night / (web site) Connie Walker
2    3D map for visually impaired children / Space Scoop for young children   
The assessment of fun and play visiting activity for young children
Akihiko Tomita
3    astroEDU: Peer Review for International Astronomy Education Activities / (web site)    Thilina Heenatigala
4    Basics of Astronomy for Middle School Children    Vyjayanthi Mala
5    Communicating Astronomy with Public in Hong Kong Style    Kenneith H.K. Hui, Bartholomew Tsang, Thomas K.T. Fok, Chi Tai Kwok

Transportation from/to Fukuoka

JR Rail Pass
Valid for ALL the JR lines in Japan. Please note that you cannot take the fastest super express in Kyushu area "Mizuho" with this pass, but you can take second-fastest super express in Kyushu area "Sakura." / How to purchase

JR Kyushu Rail Pass
Valid INSIDE the JR Kyushu area; including from Fukuoka to Kagoshima. You can take fastest super express "Mizuho" with this pass inside the JR Kyushu area. / How to purchase

  1. CAP2018 venue: Fukuoka City Science Museum: Google Maps

  2. JR Shinkansen super express: about 1h 30m

    JR Hakata Station (JR Shinkansen super express central station in Fukuoka): Google Maps
    JR Kagoshima Chuo Station (JR Shinkansen super express central station in Kagoshima): Google Maps
    Google Maps Route from Hakata to Kagoshima
    Google Maps Route from Kagoshima to Hakata

  3. From JR Kagoshima Chuo Station to the Venue: Google Maps Route

If you have any question, please email to the local contact shown below.

Hotel Information

Kagoshima University is in Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture. There are many wonderful landscapes including active volcanos around the prefecture, so when you see the list of the hotels on the travel guide web sites, please book a hotel in "Kagoshima City" if you want to stay close to the university. Of course, if you want to enjoy wild atmosphere, Kagoshima Prefecture offers a lot for you!

The whole hotel list is here: Hotels near Kagoshima University

Some hotels in Kagoshima City (note that there are many others!):


Sakana-chan (Tabe-Log Site)
Fresh raw fish "sashimi," including lobster and shell fish, and grilled fish if you like!
Fee: about 5000 yen + drink fee

Optional Excursion

Want to enjoy the JAXA Tanegashima Space Center on Sunday, March 31?
>>> Please be sure that this is the self-organized trip. <<<
>>> The time schedule using regular bus service is tight and can be affected by weather. <<<
Kagoshima Port 7:30 -> Nishino-omote Port 9:05 (Jet Foil, one-way: 7200 yen, round-trip discount: 12800 yen)
Nishino-omote Port 9:20 -> Space Center 10:48 (Daiwa Bus regular service, one-way 1740 yen)
Space Center 15:16 -> Nishino-omote Port 16:45
Nishino-omote Port 17:05 -> Kagoshima Port 18:40
>>> You are recommended to rent a car and drive a car for yourself / share the seats! <<<
How to get there (including how to rent a car)

Guided tour in English for our group: 13:00-14:15
Meet at 12:50 at the entrance hall of the Space Museum; do not be late!
Please prepare your lunch in advance; canteen is not open and no restaurant around there!

Enjoy Kagoshima and Kyushu landscape!


Robert Hollow Michael Fitzgerald Durruty Jesús de Alba Martínez
Sarah Roberts Thilina Heenatigala Hannah Harris
Beatiz García Sze-leung Cheung Constance Walker
P Vyjayanthi Mala Ho Keung Hui Kai Tung Fok
Chin Kwan Tsang Gina Maffey Junko Inoue 井上純子
Hiroshi Kishimoto 岸本 浩 Masato Hozumi 穂積正人 Ichiro Chikami 千頭一郎
Takahiro Fukuzumi 福澄孝博 Hiroshi Imai 今井 裕 Akiharu Nakagawa 中川亜紀治
Shigeyuki Karino 鴈野重之 Han Tran Kumiko Usuda-Sato 臼田-佐藤功美子
Nicolas Salinas Nguyen Tan Vu Muhammad Hafez bin Ahmat Murtza
Michael de Korte Takumi Itoh 伊東拓実 Toshihiro Handa 半田利弘
Akihiko Tomita 富田晃彦 Pedro Russo Sachiko Uenoyama 上之山幸子
Kanae Sagisaka 鷺坂奏絵 Lieza Crisostomo

Local contact in Kagoshima

Dr. Toshihiro Handa
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University
Radio astronomer, GTTP teacher
Personal Site (in Japanese)

Local contact in general

Dr. Akihiko Tomita
Professor, Faculty of Education, Wakayama University
Optical astronomer, UNAWE
Personal Site

----- Japanese annoucement is gevin below -----



CAP2018 の後に天文教育の様々な取り組みを紹介し合う気軽な研究会を持ちたいと思います。 美しい春の景色とともに鹿児島で楽しみましょう。 天文の社会との対話の実践を重ねている人たちと、生涯にわたる天文教育の活動について議論しませんか。 日本の学校の先生方にとって、 Universe Awareness(宇宙へのとびら)をはじめ、 世界の天文教育実践者と交流する機会となればと思っています。




鹿児島大学 郡元キャンパス (キャンパスマップ 地図上の54番) 郡元キャンパスへのアクセス

理学部1号館2階大会議室 (半田さんによる写真理学部1号館

こちらの催しにもご注目を: ガリレオ先生養成講座 in 鹿児島大学



特に事前登録なく、当日参加いただけます。 参加予定の方は、事前にお知らせくださいますと、準備資料数や夕食会の準備上、大変助かります。


  NEW (4月25日)  

10:58-11:00 開会のあいさつ 藏脇淳一(鹿児島大学理学部長)

11:00-11:15    Talk #1: Commission C1: overview
(Commission C1 web site)
Beatriz García
11:15-11:35 Talk #2: Connections of IAU OAO with Commission C1
(OAO web site)
Sze-leung Cheung


座長:Pedro Russo
12:40-13:10 Talk #3: Quality Lighting Teaching Kit / (web site)
Teen Astronomy Cafés / (web site)
Connie Walker
13:10-13:30 Talk #4: History for teaching Astronomy: from Japan 1874 to México 2018 Durruty Jesús de Alba Martínez
13:30-14:00 Talk #5: 1 au: a step toward the universe - ideas from JAHOU 半田利弘


座長:Thilina Heenatigala
14:10-14:25 Talk #6: UNAWE: overview
(UNAWE web site)
Pedro Russo
14:25-14:45 Talk #7: UNAWE: Universe in the Classroom
(Universe in the Classroom web site)
Sarah Roberts
14:45-15:00 自由議論:天文教育カリキュラムの各国間の比較、天文教育についての研究会の持ち方などについて


15:10-15:50 ワークショップ 1:高校地学での、身近な素材を用いた簡易分光器作りとスペクトルの観察 / (説明ポスター / 生徒向け説明書) 井上純子 (大阪府立大手前高校)
ワークショップ 2:ガリレオの「星界の報告」を読んだ生徒のみなさんによる絵本、望遠鏡、ゲームの紹介 / (ワークショップでの写真) 岸本 浩 (兵庫県立須磨東高等学校)
15:50-16:10 Talk #8: Using Astronomy for Student Open-Ended Inquiry Robert Hollow
16:10-16:30 Talk #9: A review of astronomy in the school curriculum of OECD Countries Michael Fitzgerald


16:40-16:50 Talk #10: NASE: overview
(NASE web site)
Beatriz García
16:50-17:40 ワークショップ 3:Astronomy beyond the visible Beatriz García and collaborators
ワークショップ 4:Stars simulators Beatriz García and collaborators
"Courses in co-operation" report in NASE web site

18:30- 夕食会


ポスターは窓枠に貼るか、机の上に広げて周りから見てもらうか、 廊下の壁に貼るかになります。

1    Globe at Night / (web site) Connie Walker
2    視覚障害の子ども向け 3D 地図 / 小さい子ども向け Space Scoop   
3    astroEDU: Peer Review for International Astronomy Education Activities / (web site)    Thilina Heenatigala
4    Basics of Astronomy for Middle School Children    Vyjayanthi Mala
5    Communicating Astronomy with Public in Hong Kong Style    Kenneith H.K. Hui, Bartholomew Tsang, Thomas K.T. Fok, Chi Tai Kwok





魚将 さかなちゃん (食べログ より)


>>> 修学旅行方式ではなく、各自現地集合方式です。 <<<
路線バスもございますが、時間が読めません。レンタカーを借りて各自運転もおすすめです! 現地への行き方
日本レンタカー 種子島西之表 営業所
鹿児島港 7:30 → 種子島西之表港 9:05(ジェットフォイル、片道7200円、往復12800円)
西之表港 9:20 → 宇宙センター 10:48(大和バス路線バス、片道1740円)
宇宙センター 15:16 → 西之表港 16:45
種子島西之表港 17:05 → 鹿児島港 18:40
私たち団体のための英語でのガイドは、13:00-14:15 です。


半田利弘(はんだ としひろ)
Web サイト


富田晃彦(とみた あきひこ)
光学天文学研究者、Universe Awareness(UNAWE)
Web サイト

Last revised on 25 April 2018