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科目一覧へ戻る | 2024/09/20 現在 |
開講科目名 /Course |
英語Ⅳ/English Ⅳ | ||||||||||||
時間割コード /Course Code |
G2S70024_G8 | ||||||||||||
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
共通/ | ||||||||||||
ターム・学期 /Term・Semester |
2024年度/Academic Year 第3クォーター/3Q | ||||||||||||
曜限 /Day, Period |
木/Thu 2 | ||||||||||||
開講区分 /Semester offered |
後期/the latter term | ||||||||||||
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 | ||||||||||||
学年 /Year |
2 | ||||||||||||
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
烏野 ラナ | ||||||||||||
授業形態 /Lecture Form |
演習 | ||||||||||||
教室 /Classroom |
東1号館E1-306/E1-306 | ||||||||||||
開講形態 /Course Format |
ディプロマポリシー情報 /Diploma Policy |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
烏野 ラナ | 教育学部(教員) |
授業の概要・ねらい /Course Aims |
Improving general listening and speaking skills and descriptive writing practices based on conversation and reading. |
到達目標 /Course Objectives |
Students will be able to Communicate and converse clearly around basic conversational topics. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading Policies/Criteria |
"In-class participation: 60%; weekly homework assignment: 20%; final presentation: 20% There will be ""pair work"" and group discussions in class. There are weekly homework assignments (online) and a final oral presentation. All of these add to the grade" |
教科書 /Textbook |
Communication Spotlight Starter; 3rd edition; Alistair Graham-Marr; ABAX publishing; ISBN 978-1-78547-077-6; ¥2992 |
参考書・参考文献 /Reference Book |
ReadTheory online library - free access. |
履修上の注意 ・メッセージ /Notice for Students |
Participation in "pair work" and the Final Presentation are a large part of the grade. Please participate. |
履修する上で必要な事項 /Prerequisite |
Textbook, laptop and "ring file" style notebook (A4 or B5) (for in-class writing) are required. |
履修を推奨する関連科目 /Related Courses |
none. |
授業時間外学修についての指示 /Instructions for studying outside class hours |
"Weekly homework assignments are 20% of the grade. Online access will be explained in the 2nd class. Weekly homework must be submitted on time." |
その他連絡事項 /Other messages |
none. |
授業理解を深める方法 /How to deepen your understanding of classes |
Participation and speaking outloud are key. Trying to improve your reading level also helps. |
オフィスアワー /Office Hours |
Before and after class. Please bring any questions to class as it helps everyone to discuss problems. |
科目ナンバリング /Course Numbering |
C02102E0010122d4 |
No. | 回(日時) /Time (date and time) |
主題と位置付け /Subjects and instructor's position |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考(担当) /Notes |
1 | 1回 | Unit 9: School Schedules |
Unit 9: 1) Introduction to class; Self-introductions; Vocabulary |
2 | 2回 | Unit 9: 2) ReadTheory access; Listening; presentat | ||
3 | 3回 | Unit 10: Things You Can Do |
4 | 4回 | Unit 10:2) Listening; group work |
5 | 5回 | Unit 11: Describing Locations |
Unit 11:1) Vocabulary; pair work (written) |
6 | 6回 | Unit 11:2) group work; vocabulary check |
7 | 7回 | Unit 12: Everyday Routines |
Unit 12; 1) Vocabulary review; pair work |
8 | 8回 | Unit 12: 2) Listening; pair work; presentation (wr | ||
9 | 9回 | Unit 13: Numbers / How many? |
Unit 13: 1) Vocabulary; Listening |
10 | 10回 | Unit 13: 2) spelling; memorization |
11 | 11回 | Unit 14: Things you did |
Unit 14: 1) review past tense; pair work (written) |
12 | 12回 | Unit 14: 2) group work; Vocabulary (written) |
13 | 13回 | Unit 15: Objects and Animals |
Unit 15: 1) pair work; Listening |
14 | 14回 | Unit 15: 2) grouyp work; Vocabulary (written) |
15 | 15回 | Unit 16: Asking Questions |
Unit 16: 1) Who/What/Where/When/How; Preparation for Final Presentation |
16 | 16回 | Unit 16: 2) Final Presentation (written) |