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科目一覧へ戻る | 2024/09/20 現在 |
開講科目名 /Course |
英語ⅣA/EnglishⅣA | ||||||||||||
時間割コード /Course Code |
G1000773_G3 | ||||||||||||
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
共通/ | ||||||||||||
ターム・学期 /Term・Semester |
2024年度/Academic Year 第3クォーター/3Q | ||||||||||||
曜限 /Day, Period |
木/Thu 1 | ||||||||||||
開講区分 /Semester offered |
後期/the latter term | ||||||||||||
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 | ||||||||||||
学年 /Year |
2 | ||||||||||||
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
Nicolas Bradford | ||||||||||||
授業形態 /Lecture Form |
演習 | ||||||||||||
教室 /Classroom |
東1号館E1-301/E1-301 | ||||||||||||
開講形態 /Course Format |
ディプロマポリシー情報 /Diploma Policy |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
Nicolas Bradford | 観光学部(教員) |
授業の概要・ねらい /Course Aims |
Students will become more comfortable speaking in English in front of a large group for presentation purposes. This course aims to deepen consideration and analysis of various aspects of tourism through the practice of preparing and giving presentations. Class activities and content aim to be relevant and practically applicable to the tourism sector. |
到達目標 /Course Objectives |
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1) Speak effectively in front of various audiences on topics relevant to the tourism industry 2) Prepare and deliver presentations of various styles, of up to 5 minutes or more in length, individually or in collaboration with others 3) Utilize techniques for presenting without only relying on reading or rote memorization, and 4) Describe presentation forms and purposes |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading Policies/Criteria |
Presentations will count for 50% of final grades/ 500 pts. : Presentation “0” - Mimic presentation 6% Presentation 1 - Value of tourism 10% Presentation 2 - Ethical challenge in tourism 10% Presentation 3 - Principles of travel 10% Presentation 4 - Tourism example evaluation 14% The remaining 50% of the course grade will be determined as follows: Peer feedback forms 125 pts. Presentation self-reflections (5 x 10 pts each =) 50 pts. Other assignments 75 pts. Participation 250 pts. Assignment details and some explanation of grading criteria will be given in-class. |
教科書 /Textbook |
None |
参考書・参考文献 /Reference Book |
None, occasional handouts will be given in class |
履修上の注意 ・メッセージ /Notice for Students |
Small groups will be extensively utilized in this class for the purpose of effective development and practical engagement. Students are expected to actively listen and participate in each class and not to be a distraction to others. |
履修する上で必要な事項 /Prerequisite |
Pen or pencil, notebook paper, and the ability to make slide presentations (e.g. access to a computer that uses PowerPoint) |
履修を推奨する関連科目 /Related Courses |
English ⅠA,ⅠB, ⅡA, ⅡB,and Ⅲ |
授業時間外学修についての指示 /Instructions for studying outside class hours |
Watching effective examples of presentations online outside of class, is recommended to develop. Making and practice delivering presentations is necessary. Further details will be given in class. |
その他連絡事項 /Other messages |
This course will attempt to incorporate experiential learning processes, particularly of activity and reflection, as well as of relationships and a supportive learning community. We will attempt to maximize student talk time in English, and reduce lecture formats. |
授業理解を深める方法 /How to deepen your understanding of classes |
Taking notes during class, then reflecting on class activities, topics, and techniques is highly recommend. Writing out such reflections may be useful to deepen your understanding. Using a video recorder to record your practice and watch it to find areas of improvement can be very helpful. Asking others to watch you practice and give feedback may also be helpful. Further details will be given in class. 【「アクティブ・ラーニング」実施要項 ⑩、⑧】 |
オフィスアワー /Office Hours |
There are no set office hours for part-time lecturers. 非常勤講師であるため、授業前後の対応のみとなります。 |
科目ナンバリング /Course Numbering |
C02002E0010122d3 |
No. | 回(日時) /Time (date and time) |
主題と位置付け /Subjects and instructor's position |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考(担当) /Notes |
1 | 1回 | Introduction of course format and methods, | Forming Small Group Learning and Practice Cohorts | |
2 | 2回 | Mimic presentations, | Practicing principles of effective feedback | |
3 | 3回 | Mimic presentations, | Considering purposes, content, and audience | |
4 | 4回 | Values activity, | Value of tourism preparation and practice | |
5 | 5回 | Value of tourism presentations | ||
6 | 6回 | Value of tourism presentations, | Challenge discussions introduction | |
7 | 7回 | Ethics of tourism spectrograph activity, | Ethical challenge in tourism preparation and practice | |
8 | 8回 | Ethical challenge in tourism presentations | ||
9 | 9回 | Ethical challenge in tourism presentations, | Considering principles of responsible travel lecture and discussion | |
10 | 10回 | Principles of travel preparation and practice | ||
11 | 11回 | Principles of travel presentations | ||
12 | 12回 | Principles of travel presentations, | Brainstorming tourism industry evaluation examples | |
13 | 13回 | Tourism evaluation examples research, preparation, | Practice | |
14 | 14回 | Tourism evaluation example presentations | ||
15 | 15回 | Tourism evaluation example presentations, | Course Wrap Up Session |