A Formal Analysis of Hollis' Paradox

Thomas Ågotnes and Chiaki Sakama

in: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI IX), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14329, Springer-Verlag, pages 306-321, 2023.


In Hollis' paradox, A and B each chose a positive integer and whisper their number to C. C then informs them, jointly, that they have chosen different numbers and, moreover, that neither of them are able to work out who has the greatest number. A then reasons as follows: B cannot have 1, otherwise he would know that my number is greater, and by the same reasoning B knows that I don't have 1. But then B also cannot have 2, otherwise he would know that my number is greater (since he knows I don't have 1). This line of reasoning can be repeated indefinitely, effectively forming an inductive proof, ruling out any number -- an apparent paradox. In this paper we formalise Hollis' paradox using public announcement logic, and argue that the root cause of the paradox is the wrongful assumption that A and B assume that C's announcement necessarily is successful. This resolves the paradox without assuming that C can be untruthful, or that A and B are not perfect reasoners, like other solutions do. There are similarities to the surprise examination paradox. In addition to a semantic analysis in the tradition of epistemic logic, we provide a syntactic one, deriving conclusions from a set of premises describing the initial situation -- more in the spirit of the literature on Hollis' paradox. The latter allows us to pinpoint which assumptions are actually necessary for the conclusions resolving the paradox.

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