n holographic displays, it is undesirable to observe the speckle noises with the reconstructed images. A method for improvement of reconstructed image quality by synthesizing low-coherence digital holograms is proposed. It is possible to obtain speckleless reconstruction of holograms due to low-coherence digital holography. An image sensor records low-coherence digital holograms, and the holograms are synthesized by computational calculation. Two approaches, the threshold-processing and the picking-a-peak methods, are proposed in order to reduce random noise of low-coherence digital holograms. The reconstructed image quality by the proposed methods is compared with the case of high-coherence digital holography. Quantitative evaluation is given to confirm the proposed methods. In addition, the visual evaluation by 15 people is also shown.

Schema of the threshold- processing, Reconstructed images by (a) the proposed threshold-processing, (b) the proposed picking-a-peak, and (c) a conventional methods.
- Yutaka Mori and Takanori Nomura, "Synthesis method from low-coherence digital holograms for improvement of image quality in holographic display," Appl. Opt. 52, 3838-3844 (2013).