書籍他 (books etc.)

  1. 最田裕介, “日独若手専門家交流プログラムに参加して” 光学, 51,  No. 6, 291 (2022).
  2. 米田成, 最田裕介, 野村孝徳, “動的散乱体背後のイメージング” 光学, 51,  No. 6, 266 (2022).
  3. 山嵜勇哉, 野村孝徳, “微弱光イメージング,” 光学, 48, No. 6, 237 (2019).
  4. 野村孝徳, “日本の光学研究とOpitcal Review,” 光学, 48,No. 6, 211 (2019).(巻頭言)
  5. 信川輝吉, 野村孝徳, “ディジタルホログラム技術を用いたホログラフィックメモリーによる複素振幅データの多値記録,” 光学, 46, No. 6, 245 (2017).
  6. 早崎芳夫, 野村孝徳, 粟辻安浩, 的場修, 横田正幸, 有本英伸, “ディジタルホログラフィ,” 朝倉書店 (2016).
  7. Takanori Nomura, “Image Quality Improvement of Digital Holography by Multiple Wavelengths or Multiple Holograms, Holography,” Research and Technologies, Joseph Rosen (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-227-2, InTech (2011). 
  8. 伊東一良, 浅野晃, 津村徳道, 野村孝徳, 廣川勝久, 的場修, “原理がわかる・現場で使える信号処理,” 丸善株式会社(東京)(2009).
  9. Takanori Nomura and Bahram Javidi, “Polarimetric Imaging of 3-D Object by Use of Wavefront-Splitting Phase-Shifting Digital Holography,” in Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display, B. Javidi, F. Okano, and, J.-Y. Son eds., pp.333-344 (Springer) (2009).
  10. Takanori Nomura, "4. Hybrid Optical Encryption of a 3D Object by Use of a Digital Holographic Technique," in Optical Imaging Sensors and Systems for Homeland Security Applications, B. Javidi ed., pp. 85-95 (Springer) (2006).
  11. Takanori Nomura and Bahrm Javidi, "10. Optical Image Encryption Using Optimized Keys," in Optical and Digital Techniques for Information Security, B. Javidi ed., pp. 193-205 (Springer) (2005).
  12. Takanori Nomura and Bahrm Javidi, "11. Polarization Encoding for Optical Security Systems," in Optical and Digital Techniques for Information Security,B. Javidi ed., pp. 207-220 (Springer) (2005).
  13. Takanori Nomura, Enrique Tajahuerce, Osamu Matoba, and Bahrm Javidi, "13. Applications of Digital Holography for Information Security," in Optical and Digital Techniques for Information Security, B. Javidi ed., pp. 241-269 (Springer) (2005).
  14. Takanori Nomura, "Incoherent-Optical and Electronic Hybrid Correlator," in Advanced Optical Correlators for Pattren Recognition and Association, K. Itoh and K. Yoshimori eds., pp. 35-46 (Research Signpost) (1997).
  15. 野村孝徳, "天文," in 光メカトロニクス入門, 第8章, (pp. 99-111,) 和歌山大学光メカトロニクス研究会編, (共立出版, 東京, 1996).
  16. Takanori Nomura and Kazuyoshi Itoh, "Incoherent-Optical Electronic Hybrid Pattern Recognition," in Recent Research Developments in Applied Optics, Scientific Information Guild ed., pp. 1-20 (Research Signpost) (1996).
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