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Images - Galaxies -

M 87 image

*COLOR* A giant elliptical (E1, cD) galaxy M 87 (NGC 4486) in Virgo, taken on December 17, 1998 with ST-7 by Kubo Hirotsugu and Miyazaki Tamotsu (graduates in 1998). Exposure times: B-band: 1800 sec, V-band: 900 sec, R-band 900 sec. This galaxy is the most dominant galaxy in the center of Virgo cluster. A jet structure is seen.

M 104 image

*COLOR* A early-type spiral (Sa) galaxy M 104 (NGC 4594, Sombrero Galaxy) in Virgo, taken on December 29, 1998 with ST-7 by Kubo Hirotsugu (a graduate in 1998). Exposure times: B-band: 1800 sec, V-band: 900 sec, R-band 900 sec.

M 77 image

*COLOR* A spiral (Sb) galaxy M 77 (NGC 1068) in Cetus, taken on December 17, 1998 with ST-7 by Kubo Hirotsugu and Miyazaki Tamotsu (graduates in 1998). Exposure times: B-band: 1500 sec, V-band: 360 sec, R-band 360 sec. This galaxy has a type-II Seyfert nucleus (a kind of active galactic nuclei).

M 64 image

A spiral (Sb) galaxy M 64 (NGC 4826, Black-eye Galaxy) in Coma, taken on December 22, 1998 with ST-7 by Kubo Hirotsugu (a graduate in 1998). R-band image, exposure time: 900 sec.

M 74 image

*COLOR* A late-type spiral (Sc) galaxy M 74 (NGC 628) in Pisces, taken on December 18, 1998 with ST-7 by Sonoyama Hiroyuki (a graduate in 1998) et al. Exposure times: B-band: 2250 sec, V-band: 1350 sec, R-band 1350 sec.

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