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Images - Star clusters -

NGC 663 image

An open cluster NGC 663 in Cassiopeia, taken on November 12, 1998, by Miyazaki Tamotsu, Kubo Hirotsugu (graduates in the class of 1998). R-band image, exposure time: 360 sec.

NGC 2281 image

An open cluster NGC 2281 in Auriga, taken on December 17, 1998, by Miyazaki Tamotsu, Kubo Hirotsugu (graduates in the class of 1998). R-band image, exposure time: 360 sec.

NGC 2420 image

An open cluster NGC 2420 in Gemini, taken on November 12, 1998, by Miyazaki Tamotsu, Kubo Hirotsugu (graduates in the class of 1998). R-band image, exposure time: 360 sec.

M 67 image

*COLOR* An open cluster M 67 (NGC 2682) in Cancer, taken on November 15, 1998, by Kubo Hirotsugu (a graduate in the class of 1998). Exposure times: B-band: 150 sec, V-band: 150 sec, R-band 150 sec.

M 79 image

*COLOR* A globular cluster M 79 (NGC 1904) in Lepus, taken on November 15, 1998, by Kubo Hirotsugu (a graduate in the class of 1998). Exposure times: B-band: 540 sec, V-band: 540 sec, R-band 540 sec. Unlike an open cluster, a globular cluster is dominated by old, yellow-colored stars.

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