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科目一覧へ戻る | 2024/09/09 現在 |
開講科目名 /Course |
Global Tourism/Global Tourism | |||||||||
時間割コード /Course Code |
T4T10693_T1 | |||||||||
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
観光学部/Faculty of Tourism | |||||||||
ターム・学期 /Term・Semester |
2024年度/Academic Year 第4クォーター/4Q | |||||||||
曜限 /Day, Period |
水/Wed 3, 水/Wed 4 | |||||||||
開講区分 /Semester offered |
第4クォーター/4Q | |||||||||
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 | |||||||||
学年 /Year |
2,3,4 | |||||||||
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
Mohamed Elbarbary | |||||||||
授業形態 /Lecture Form |
講義 | |||||||||
教室 /Classroom |
東1号館E1-203/E1-203 | |||||||||
開講形態 /Course Format |
ディプロマポリシー情報 /Diploma Policy |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
Mohamed Elbarbary | 大学共通 |
授業の概要・ねらい /Course Aims |
This is a GP Specialization (GP専門科目) course in the GP 2.0 program. Students in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year who are interested in international tourism, global issues affecting tourism and the planetary scale of tourism related issues are welcome to take this course. Through this course students will be able to: a. Understand tourism as an industry and as a global phenomenon b. Develop understanding on the implications of tourism on global economy and societies c. Gain knowledge of the structure, activities, and impacts of global scale tourism Additionally students will gain knowledge of angles such as the environment, gender, social inequity and the effects of recent health and economic crisess on tourism, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The course will also feature tutorial and documentary (videos) examples from international destinations, so students will get a window to understand issues in real-world international tourism as well. |
到達目標 /Course Objectives |
By the completion of this course, the students are expected to be able to: (a) Understand the 'global nature' of tourism phenomena and their key characteristics (b) Recognize the differences/inequities involved with global tourism and sustainability challenges (c) Appreciate environment, gender, social inequality angles (d) Analyze and provide practical solutions to recent and ongoing issues in international tourism |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading Policies/Criteria |
Students are highly recommended to attend the sessions, actively engage in class group discussions, and submit their assignemnts by the deadlines. Students will be evaluated based on the following criteria: (1) Participation in class discussion and assignments: 30% (2) Mid-term Quiz (Multiple choice type): 20% (3) Group Presentations (or Individual): 20% (4) Individual Final Essay: (1000 words): 30% |
教科書 /Textbook |
William F. Theobald. (2004). Global Tourism, 3rd edition. Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-0750677899. ¥14,398 Paperback (used book is available on Amazon from ¥953) There is no need to buy the textbook; sections will be uploaded to the Microsoft Teams channel of the course. |
参考書・参考文献 /Reference Book |
Chris Cooper & C. Michael Hall .(2022). Contemporary Tourism: An International Approach , 5th edition, Goodfellow. ISBN-13: 978-1915097170. ¥8,656 paperback There is no need to buy the reference book. Reference materials and other related journal articles will be distributed in class. |
履修上の注意 ・メッセージ /Notice for Students |
None |
履修する上で必要な事項 /Prerequisite |
To support a paperless environemnt, all enrolled students are required to download the lecture materials (PowerPoint and pdf sections) from the course channel on Microsoft Teams before the class starts or use their laptops to access the lecture materials during the class. The printed lecture material will not be distributed in every class. |
履修を推奨する関連科目 /Related Courses |
GP専門科目 |
授業時間外学修についての指示 /Instructions for studying outside class hours |
Look up the internet or library resources in your free time to further understanding of global issues related to tourism, such as the tourism future, mobility, and global communities. |
その他連絡事項 /Other messages |
Although everything in this course will be taken in English (group discussion, group presentation, assignment), it does not mean that you must be very good in English. The most important thing is your motivation, and I will be very happy to help you to overcome any difficulties. As much as possible, I will simplify the given information through clear expressions and presentations, and provide several examples from the surrounding environment to make sure that the students got the courses’ learning outcomes and can practice them properly. |
授業理解を深める方法 /How to deepen your understanding of classes |
a. Try to be active in the class; ask questions. b. Try to communicate with your peers. c. Look up internet and library resources in your free time. d. Think/reflect on the issues discussed in the class and beyond. The course will feature Active Learning components 4, 6, 7, 8,10,11. |
オフィスアワー /Office Hours |
Tuesday 9:30~10:00 and Wednesday 9:30~10:00 |
科目ナンバリング /Course Numbering |
T04003E01001G241 |
No. | 回(日時) /Time (date and time) |
主題と位置付け(担当) /Subjects and instructor's position |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
1 | Session 1 (04 Dec - Period 3) | Course Overview & Introdcution | Introducing the course content and reviewing the syllabus. Why is tourism a global phenomenon and industry? |
Breaking the Ice: There will be a brief self introduction by the instructor and students at the begi |
2 | Session 2 (04 Dec - Period 4) | Part 1 (Clarification and Meaning: Issues of Under | The Meaning, Scope and Measurement of Travel and Tourism Lecture & Multimedia: What is Global Tourism? |
3 | Session 3 (11 Dec - Period 3) | Part 1 (Clarification and Meaning: Issues of Under | From Competition to Collaboration in the Tourism Industry Lecture |
4 | Session 4 (11 Dec - Period 4) | Part 2 (Results and Residuals: The Issue of Impact | The Positive and Negative Impacts of Tourism Lecture & Open Discussion |
5 | Lecture 5 (18 Dec - Period 3) | Part 2 (Results and Residuals: The Issue of Impact | The Role of Relationships in the Tourist Experience Lecture |
6 | Lecture 6 (18 Dec - Period 4) | Part 2 (Results and Residuals: The Issue of Impact | Alternative Tourism: A Comparative Analysis of Meaning and Impact Lecture |
7 | Session 7 (25 Dec - Period 3) | Global Tourism Effects on The Japanese Society | In-class Teamwork & Group Discussion This session will be divided into two parts: 1) Students are required to search the internet and check the reference materials to get information on the 'Effects of Tourism on Societies in Past and Present'. 2) A group discussion will be held to present and discuss the students' findings. |
Please bring your laptop or tablet to the classroom. |
8 | Session 8 (25 Dec - Period 4) | Evaluation | Mid-term Quiz (Multiple Choice Type) | |
9 | Session 9 (08 Jan - Period 3) | Part 3 (Changing Directions: Planning and Develop | Sustainable Tourism Standards in the Global Economy Lecture |
10 | Session 10 (08 Jan - Period 4) | Part 3 (Changing Directions: Planning and Developm | Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Tourism: Balancing the Voices Lecture & Case Study (Shirakawa-mura, Gifu) |
11 | Session 11 (22 Jan - Period 3) | Part 5 (Bureaucracy and Procedure) | Role of Government Incentives Lecture |
12 | Session 12 (22 Jan - Period 4) | Global Tourism and Crisis Management | Tourism and COVID-19: An Emerging Major Issue Lecture & Multimedia |
Instructions for individual/group presenatation and final essay will be given to students by the end |
13 | Session 13 (29 Jan - Period 3) | Evaluation | Students’ Presentations Individual/Group presentation on the Tourism Incentives of Japan Government during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic. |
14 | Session 14 (29 Jan - Period 4) | Evaluation | Students’ Presentations Individual/group presentation on the tourism incentives of Japan government during and post the covid-19 pandemic. |
15 | Session15 (05 Feb - Period 3) | Summary | Course wrap up & Final Essay feedback Students are required to submit the essay by the deadline February 4th (17:00). |