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科目一覧へ戻る | 2024/09/09 現在 |
開講科目名 /Course |
Principles of Tourism B/Principles of Tourism B | ||||||
時間割コード /Course Code |
T4T10618_T1 | ||||||
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
観光学部/Faculty of Tourism | ||||||
ターム・学期 /Term・Semester |
2024年度/Academic Year 第4クォーター/4Q | ||||||
曜限 /Day, Period |
金/Fri 3, 金/Fri 4 | ||||||
開講区分 /Semester offered |
第4クォーター/4Q | ||||||
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 | ||||||
学年 /Year |
1,2,3,4 | ||||||
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
Abhik Chakraborty/CHAKRABORTY Abhik | ||||||
授業形態 /Lecture Form |
講義 | ||||||
教室 /Classroom |
東1号館E1-205/E1-205 | ||||||
開講形態 /Course Format |
ディプロマポリシー情報 /Diploma Policy |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
Abhik Chakraborty/CHAKRABORTY Abhik | 観光学部(教員) |
授業の概要・ねらい /Course Aims |
In this course students will learn roughly about five ‘principles’ or ‘Fundamental aspects’ of global tourism. This is the second part of the four-part Principles of Tourism Course that is essential for Global Program 2.0 enrollees. In this part, students will learn about five fundamental aspects or ‘principles’ of global tourism—and they will be able to develop understanding of key global tourism issues. The five fundamental issues covered in this course are: 1. ‘Socioeconomic and environmental factors’ that characterize tourism originator countries/regions and destinations 2. ‘Demand and supply’ of tourism resources 3. ‘Impacts’ of tourism-- focusing on environmental and social impacts (as well as some economic impact ) 4. Viewing tourism critically 5. ‘Tourism and sustainability’--sustainability core principles such as planetary boundaries and outstripping of capacity at local/regional i.e. ‘destination’ levels. |
到達目標 /Course Objectives |
(1) By the end of the course students are expected to develop understanding of the five fundamental issues in global tourism, and also issues that are related to those. (2) Students will be able to understand the structure and impact of tourism at destination as well as source levels, and will also develop understanding on issues such as sustainability and tourism resource governance. (3) By the end of this course students will be able to analyze, conduct individual presentations, and write short reports (~1000 words) regarding fundamental issues in global tourism. |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading Policies/Criteria |
Class participation and discussion: 10% Mid term quiz 30%, Final presentation 30%, Final report 30%. Students will be offered guidance and support for online presentation and report submission. In case of any question please contact me directly. |
教科書 /Textbook |
There is no specified textbook for the course, materials will be supplied in the lectures |
参考書・参考文献 /Reference Book |
Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies by Charles R Goeldner and JR Brent Ritchie (Wiley) ISBN 978-1118071779 |
履修上の注意 ・メッセージ /Notice for Students |
Students are expected to study handouts, prepare for the mid-term quiz and individual presentation and term report. They may also be asked to work in groups for preparing presentations. |
履修する上で必要な事項 /Prerequisite |
As this is the second part of the four-part Principles of Tourism course students are strongly encouraged to complete Principles of Tourism A before taking this course. |
履修を推奨する関連科目 /Related Courses |
Principles of Tourism A, Principles of Tourism C, Principles of Tourism D |
授業時間外学修についての指示 /Instructions for studying outside class hours |
Search up the internet and find information related to tourism on your own. Participate actively in group work. Read reports available online to formulate your own ideas. |
その他連絡事項 /Other messages |
This course is a part of the Global Program (GP). The course will be taught in English. Although there is no specific English level requirement for this class, students are expected to have basic level English skill in order to read and follow English lecture materials and make assignments. Although it is not a prerequisite It will be helpful to bring your own PC or Ipad in the class. |
授業理解を深める方法 /How to deepen your understanding of classes |
This course will feature Active Learning components: [Active learning 8,9,10] Interested students can email me : abhich78@wakayama-u.ac.jp (You can mail me any time) Or visit my Office during office hour or with prior appointment. |
オフィスアワー /Office Hours |
Basically I am available 1 pm -5 pm on workdays excepting class or research trips. Particularly the following timings are advised for consultation. Wed 1 pm onwards, Fri 1 pm onwards at T111 (please email me beforehand to set up appointment). Email: abhich78@wakayama-u.ac.jp |
科目ナンバリング /Course Numbering |
T80022E00001G111 |
No. | 回(日時) /Time (date and time) |
主題と位置付け(担当) /Subjects and instructor's position |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
1 | 1 | Introduction | Orientation for the course. | |
2 | 2 | Fundamental factors 1 | Social and environmental factors of tourism: Part 1: Social factors | |
3 | 3 | Fundamental factors 2 | Social and environmental factors of tourism: Part 2: Environmental factors | |
4 | 4 | In depth angles 1 | Aspects of tourism supply | |
5 | 5 | In depth angles 2 | Aspects of tourism demand | |
6 | 6 | In depth angles 2 | Impacts (1): Environmental impacts of tourism (case studies) | |
7 | 7 | In depth angles 4 | Impacts (2): Social (and some economic) impacts of tourism (case studies) | |
8 | 8 | Critical aspects | Global tourism challenges | |
9 | 9 | Critical aspects | Tourism and gender | |
10 | 10 | Course wrap up | Wrap up lecture 1 | |
11 | 11 | Course wrap up | Wrap up lecture 2 | |
12 | 12 | Group work | Group work for presentations | |
13 | 13 | Group work | Group work for presentations | |
14 | 14 | Evaluation | Quiz (objective evaluation) | |
15 | 15 | Evaluation | Students presentations and report submission |