
授業情報/Class Information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/09/09 現在

基本情報/Basic Information

プロジェクト演習/Activity for Project
/Course Code
/Course Offered by
観光学部/Faculty of Tourism
2024年度/Academic Year  第1クォーター/1Q
/Day, Period
金/Fri 3
/Semester offered
前期/the former term
/Main Instructor
Adam Doering/Timothy Adam DOERING
/Lecture Form
/Course Format
/Diploma Policy
/Course Name
/Diploma Policy
/DP Point
観光学部 課題解決力と自己学修能力 10

担当教員情報/Instructor Information

Adam Doering/Timothy Adam DOERING 観光学部(教員)
/Course Aims
The Activity for Project: Surf Tourism course explores coastal tourism development and ocean-based lifestyles in Japan through the lens of surfing. The class has two aims. First, the lecture components we will examine the history of surfing, surf tourism development, sustainability, and contemporary surf culture in Japan through a series of readings and special guest lectures. Secondly, we will learn about ethnography as a valuable methodological tool for understanding tourism and society. We will learn by and through surfing. As a final project, students will conduct a surf ethnography to learn about the surfing culture and surf tourism in a Japanese context. Lectures and guest speakers will discuss the following topics:
• From he’e nalu to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics: A History of Surfing
• Miyazaki: Surf Tourism Development in Rural Japan
• Wakayama: Surfing, Gender and Localism
• Fukushima: Surfing and post-disaster recovery
• Invited Guest Speaker: Ocean safety and risk management
• Save the Waves: Community, environmentalism & surfing politics
• Surfing Ethnography: An Introduction before entering the field
/Course Objectives
One contemporary issue in this island nation of Japan is 海離れ(separation from the sea). The main objective of this is class is to help students experience and reconnect with the sea through surfing in order to better understand the value surf tourism in helping others connect with the sea.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to:
1) Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the history and evolution of modern surfing and its relationship to tourism development;
2) Critically and creatively employ surf tourism for rural and regional development;
3) Explain the relationship between surf culture and tourism placemaking in Japan;
4) Contribute to debates concerning surfing culture, gender and localism;
5) Demonstrate an understanding of how to apply surf tourism for post-disaster recovery;
6) Contribute to community development and environmental sustainability efforts through surf tourism development.
/Grading Policies/Criteria
The course combines fieldwork trips and classwork. Assessments include short reflections and a final ethnographic report on surfing and surf tourism in Wakayama and is structured as follows:

Assessment 1: Lecture summaries and reflections
What: Lecture comprehension task
Weight: 30% of total grade (3 reviews x worth 10% each)
Length: 1 page (100-200 word summary, 100-200 word reflection)

Assessment 2: Fieldwork interviews and summaries
What: Conduct at least interviews
Weight: 30% of total grade
Length:  Short summary of the interviews (3-4 pages)

Assignment 3: Final ethnography and presentation
What: Ethnography of Japanese surf culture
Weight: 40% of total grade
Length: 5 page ethnography (between 2,000- 2,500 words)
水野 英莉 (2020). ただ波に乗る Just Surf―サーフィンのエスノグラフィー。
ISBN-10: ‎ 4771033560
/Reference Book
Additional readings will be assigned in class.
履修上の注意 ・メッセージ
/Notice for Students
The class will include both Japanese and English. Although you generally won’t leave waist depth water, it is recommended that you can swim a minimum of 50 meters to safely participate. No previous surfing experience is required for the class.
No previous surfing experience is required for the class. It is expected that everyone will be a beginner level or first time surfer. Moreover, surfing is an optional activity and not a requirement for the class. However, surfing does add to the experiential learning element of the course.  
/Related Courses
Tourism and Environment; Principles of Tourism C; Ethics of Tourism & Travel
/Instructions for studying outside class hours
We will surf on Friday mornings and afternoons as per the students schedule. BUT, waves are inconsistent in Wakayama and surfing depends on nature so some changes to the schedule.
Some student flexibility is necessary.
/Other messages
/How to deepen your understanding of classes
Not only surf, but read and engage with the reading material and class discussions. This is not a surf class but an academic study of surfing that includes a surfing component. Deeping knowledge of surf tourism destinations requires reading the literature and critical thinking.
/Office Hours
Office hours: Thursday 15:00 - 16:00
Or contact me through email to arrange a meeting time: adoering@wakayama-u.ac.jp
/Course Numbering
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Subjects and instructor's position
/Methods and contents
1 1 History and Evolution of Surfing Students will learn about the history and evolution of surfing from he’e nalu to Olympic sport in Tokyo, over a century of surfing's evolution.
2 2 Surf Tourism Development in Japan This lecture will examine surf tourism development in Miyazaki Prefecture.
3 3 Surfing & Gender I In this lecture we will explore how surfing and surf culture maintains a masculine surfing culture through localism practices.
4 4 Surfing and Gender II We investigate how women carve out new spaces in contemporary surfing culture in Japan and internationally
5 5 Surfing & Post-disaster Recovery In this lecture we will learn about how surfing is used to help recover from post-disaster and tsunami effected areas of Fukushima and Aceh (Indonesia)
6 6 Guest Lecture An invited guest speaker will be welcomed on a specific area of surf culture relating to the interests of the class.
7 7 Preparation for surfing lessons and fieldwork We will go over safety and rules for surfing and prepare for conducting fieldwork in the surf.
8 8 Fieldwork 1 Learning how: Surfing safety and rules of surfing at Isonoura Beach. Assignments 1-3 due.
9 9 Fieldwork 2 Learning how: The paddle.
10 10 Fieldwork 3 Learning how: Reading the waves. Assignment 2 due.
11 11 Fieldwork 4 Learning how: Catching a wave.
12 12 Fieldwork 5 Learning how: The "pop-up".
13 13 Fieldwork 6 Learning how: Riding a wave.
14 14 Fieldwork 7 Learning how: Catching waves independently.
15 15 Presentations of final ethnographies Final presentations and discussions on the theme of your choice in relation to surfing, surf culture and surf tourism and learned in the readings and from personal experience. Final essay due.
