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科目一覧へ戻る | 2024/09/12 現在 |
開講科目名 /Course |
Islamic Political Economy/Islamic Political Economy | ||||||||||||
時間割コード /Course Code |
E2F12001_E1 | ||||||||||||
開講所属 /Course Offered by |
経済学研究科/Graduate School of Economics | ||||||||||||
ターム・学期 /Term・Semester |
2024年度/Academic Year 第1クォーター/1Q | ||||||||||||
曜限 /Day, Period |
火/Tue 4 | ||||||||||||
開講区分 /Semester offered |
前期/the former term | ||||||||||||
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 | ||||||||||||
学年 /Year |
1,2 | ||||||||||||
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
Nabil Maghrebi/Nabil Maghrebi | ||||||||||||
科目区分 /Course Group |
_ | ||||||||||||
授業形態 /Lecture Form |
講義 | ||||||||||||
教室 /Classroom |
西2号館E102/E102 | ||||||||||||
開講形態 /Course Format |
ディプロマポリシー情報 /Diploma Policy |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
Nabil Maghrebi/Nabil Maghrebi | 経済学部(教員) |
授業の概要・ねらい /Course Aims |
One of the founders of political economy, John Stuart Miller, argues that economics is value-loaded, in the sense that it is shaped by the worldviews held by economists. Islamic Political Economy is no exception. Islam is a rules-based system that affects every aspect of life from the political to the social, economic, and financial systems aimed at establishing societies founded on justice. Islamic political economy presents a vision for an economic system based on rules of individual and institutional behavior derived from divine and prophetic sources. The ontological and epistemological roots of an ideal Islamic economic system differ from conventional economics in ways that reflect the diverging worldviews. It is the rules and institutional scaffolding of a society that shape its economic system and are bound to define its economic performance. Thus, this series of lectures provides an introduction of the main features of Islamic political economy. A good understanding of the rules governing an Islamic economy will facilitate a better comprehension of its operational features, and the foundations of Islamic economics, Islamic capital markets, and Islamic finance and banking. |
到達目標 /Course Objectives |
Students are expected to improve their essential knowledge about alternative economic systems and critical skills needed for the development of knowledgeable human resources for the Japanese finance and banking industry, including: 1. fundamental knowledge and understanding of Islamic political economy 2. essential understanding of the foundations of Islamic economics and finance |
成績評価の方法・基準 /Grading Policies/Criteria |
Problem sets, reports, and participation: 50% Final examination: 50% |
教科書 /Textbook |
Course materials are not based on one textbook only and the reference books cited below are recommended for further reading. |
参考書・参考文献 /Reference Book |
Ideal Islamic Economy: An Introduction (Political Economy of Islam), Abbas Mirakhor and Hossein Askari, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 Islamic Capitalism and Finance: Origins, Evolution, and the Future, Murat Cizakca, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2013 Early Islam and the Birth of Capitalism, Benedikt Koehler, Lexington Books, 2014 Intermediate Islamic Finance, Nabil Maghrebi, Zamir Iqbal, and Abbas Mirakhor, John Wiley & Sons, 2016 |
履修上の注意 ・メッセージ /Notice for Students |
Please note that all lectures will be conducted in English. |
履修する上で必要な事項 /Prerequisite |
It is preferable to take this series of lectures on Islamic political economy prior or in association with courses on Islamic Economics, and Islamic Law of Transactions, in particular. |
履修を推奨する関連科目 /Related Courses |
These lectures are important for students interested in the specialized programs on "Islamic Finance and Economics" and "Energy Analytics and Policies". |
授業時間外学修についての指示 /Instructions for studying outside class hours |
Students are required to review the contents of previous lectures, and solve some problem-sets, which serve to improve their level of knowledge and understanding. |
その他連絡事項 /Other messages |
Lectures will be held on the basis of in-person classes, and using Moodle and Teams depending on the number of students. |
授業理解を深める方法 /How to deepen your understanding of classes |
To increase knowledge and understanding, students are encouraged to develop the critical thinking abilities by raising questions and examine research issues on Islamic capital markets. |
オフィスアワー /Office Hours |
Monday 12:30-13:00 Faculty of Economics Maghrebi Research Office 425 |
科目ナンバリング /Course Numbering |
E07024E11109E515,E07024E11109I515,E07024E11109P515,E07024E11109S515 |
No. | 回(日時) /Time (date and time) |
主題と位置付け /Subjects and instructor's position |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考(担当) /Notes |
1 | 1回目 | Introduction to Political Economy | Readings in related research and explanation of key concepts | |
2 | 2回目 | Ontological and epistemological foundations (I) | Presentation and Discussion | |
3 | 3回目 | Ontological and epistemological foundations (II) | Presentation and Discussion | |
4 | 4回目 | Governing rules and institutional structures of an | Readings in related research and explanation of key concepts | |
5 | 5回目 | Governing rules and institutional structures of an | Presentation and Discussion | |
6 | 6回目 | Contemporary Muslim economies | Presentation and Discussion | |
7 | 7-8回目 | Paradigm shift in Islamic economics | Readings in related research and explanation of key concepts |