Introduction of Participants - The 1st CLTP, 2011

Babatunde Olaleye Salu (Nigeria)

Babatunde Olaleye Salu (Nigeria)

  • Present Status: African Regional Centre for Space Science & Technology Education- English (ARCSSTE-E)
  • Present Position: Senior Scientific Officer
  • Field of Specialization: Satellite Communication
  • Present Research Interests: Atmospheric Effects on Earth-Satellite Links
Statement of Purpose

The desire to include CanSats in our outreach activities, to secondary (high) school students and university undergraduates. This would be a quantum leap from just water rockets into more challenging waters.

Feedback on the CLTP Program

Very well thought out and meticulously planned.

Vision for the Future

I hope to be able to introduce CanSats into the university system in Nigeria. This is because CanSat engineering teaches valuable lessons in systems engineering, basic science, team work and the development of a can-do (Animal) spirit in students. I will ultimately want Nigerian teams to participate in (and win!) international events such as ARLISS.

Through our already well established space clubs both in the universities and secondary schools. Plans also exist to have holiday camps where CanSats will be built in various parts of the country. Once there are strong enough teams, a national competition will be started.