Introduction of Participants - The 1st CLTP, 2011

Mehmet Ertan Ümit (Turkey)

Mehmet Ertan Ümit (Turkey)

  • Present Status: Istanbul Technical Universtiy / Aeronautics and Astronautics Faculty / Space Systems Design and Testing Laboratory
  • Present Position: Research Engineer
  • Field of Specialization: Space Systems, Electronics, Communications
  • Present Research Interests: Power Systems, Communication Systems, Flight Computers, Hardware, Software
Statement of Purpose
My motivation about this program was the need for a proper CanSat experience in my University. I would be able to help the CanSat groups in my university, so that they will have hands-on experience on their bachelor education.
Feedback on the CLTP Program
The program was well programmed and organized. Everything was planned and we could keep up with the plan. We didn't have any surprises in Wakayama. Logistics and equipment were also very organized.
Vision for the Future
I will (already have) help the groups in my university first. Then we will have our own balloon for the local contest. By the way we are setting up our own rocket group for a real CanSat launch, so that we can spread the CanSat education around the nation.