Kohe's Computer Graphics Gallery

These are the computer graphics images that I made personally. These have neither scientific nor artistic meaning.

This is the work of the 3D computer graphics of my beginning. The program which made this image was developed on the HEWLETT PACKARD HP1000 computer running RTE III and the GRAPHICA's 512 colors graphic display in 1983. This program was written with FORTRAN, and using scan-line Z buffer algorithm for hidden surface elimination. It used characteristic (and strange :-) shading model.

The program which made these images was developed on the DEC VAX11/780 running VMS in 1983. This computer had a frame buffer which made by Mr. Horikita. This program was written with VAX FORTRAN, and using scan-line Z buffer algorithm with texture mapping. The transparency effect was realized in the individual (and very slow) algorithm.

This image was made by ANIM, which was a simple scan-line based renderer. This program was originally developed on the NEC PC-9801E (8086 8MHz with 8087) with CI-C86 in 1984. It used scan-line hidden surface elimination algorithm making good use of span coherency. It marked 400-800 polygons/sec.

The program which made these images was SOL, which was also a scan-line based renderer. It could handle the quadratic surfaces and the Boolean combinations. This program was originally developed on the NEC PC-9801E (8086 8MHz with 8087) with CI-C86 in 1985.

[MPEG animation (120KB)]
The program which made this image was SS, which was also scan-line based renderer. The object in this image consists of four "positive" cubes and one "negative" yellow cube. This program used an algorithm which is similar to Atherton's scan-line hidden surface removal procedure for CSG. I used pattern matrix to describe Boolean combination to reduce the number of one dimensional Boolean operation on the end of sample span. This program was developed on the Sun4/330 running SunOS 4.0 in 1993, and it has been ported to the PC running Windows-NT 3.5.1 since. It marked about 20,000 polygons/sec by Pentium 100MHz, and it will be able to accelerate up to 40,000-80,000 polygons/sec.

These images were made by StrataVision 4.0J.

[MPEG animation (135KB)] [MPEG animation (3.6MB)]
These images were made by Specular Infini-D 3.0J/3.5J.

Kohe Tokoi