Formalizing Negotiations Using Logic Programming

Tran Cao Son, Enrico Pontelli, Ngoc-Hieu Nguyen and Chiaki Sakama

ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, vol.15(2), Article No.12, 2014.


The paper introduces a logical framework for negotiation among dishonest agents. The framework relies on the use of abductive logic programming as a knowledge representation language for agents to deal with incomplete information and preferences. The paper shows how intentionally false or inaccurate information of agents could be encoded in the agents' knowledge bases. Such disinformation can be effectively used in the process of negotiation to have desired outcomes by agents. The negotiation processes are formulated under the answer set semantics of abductive logic programming and enable the exploration of various strategies that agents can employ in their negotiation. A preliminary implementation has been developed using the ASP-Prolog platform.

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